A video art piece examining the media, particularly Television news.
On July 4, Independence Day, 1975, a "media circus" assembles at San Francisco's Cow Palace Stadium. A pyramid of television sets are stacked, doused with kerosene, and set ablaze. Then a modified 1959 Cadillac, piloted by two drivers who are guided only by a video monitor between their bucket seats, smashes through the pyramid destroying the TV sets.
Preceding the event are actual clips from various TV news broadcasts that covered it (most of the TV reporters make the comment that they "didnt get it"; coverage of the "media circus" at Cow Palace; and a speech given by Doug Hall as the late President John F. Kennedy, which explains the message of Media Burn.
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November 1, 2007 Subject:
Why the censorship?
That goodness we A: don't put bleeding great black triangles up to censor a stunt B: don't encourage news reporters to voice their personal opinions (anything that threatens my income = bad) in England. Those crazy guys in the US of A!
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April 8, 2005 Subject:
that's good tv
I thought Adbusters magazine were the first. How wrong we were! Culture Jamming has existed since the start of recorded history... 1975